Hmmmm, where to start. I was doing pretty good up about until 5 to 6. A wall of tired just hit me. To keep awake, I assigned my self some menial tasks, such as cleaning and preparing my alarms. This kept me on my feet, which was good as I did not want a repeat performance of my failure yesterday morning. When I got to the nap, I think I fell asleep. However, when the alarm went off, I let it go multiple times, using my sleepy logic that as long as it kept going off, I would be fine. Luckily, Rob called at about 7:56, about 6 minutes after when I was to wake up. Having friends to call you after the nap is a very good idea. Another good idea I had was that as soon as I started feeling tired, I turned my phone volume to high and slipped it into my pocket. This was to prevent yesterdays fiasco, where my phone was on vibrate on the other side of the room. After I woke up, I felt kind of tired, but not as bad as I had been. Then I took a nice long shower, which further woke me up. I am treating showers like a resource: whenever I need to get away from being tired and want to wake up a bit more, a shower definitly helps. However, I don't want to take too many in case the effect starts to diminish. Also, I didn't hallucinate in the shower, which made me happy. I think today is going to be a tough day, but I'm going to try to power through it.
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